Amidst the collecting chaos where collecting is waning in this period of uncertainty!
I crawled into a new line of collecting. Bandai monsters!
This year marks the first time ever I venture into buying my first vinyl monsters from Bandai.
Funny thing is the only figure I know is Godzilla. Now I bought 1989 King Ghidora, 1995 Gamera, 1985 Angeilas, 1991 Godzilla Ghido Goji (at 14 inches tall), 1994 Orochi (Eight Headed Dragon) and recent 6 inch Shin Gojira.
Span just over 2 month, I caught the fever with the cluster of 6 wonderful monsters and start learning about the history of these wonderful toys.
I hope to stay just on the low and budget end restricting to earlier Bandai figures that I like. Trying to keep focus and small.
Well you can't have everything.
So here are some damage done.