Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Toy Viewing : Abomination of the Marvel Legends

When there is Hulk, there is Abomination !

Another green marvel character evolved through the aid of gamma radiation which turn him into another menace.

Put aside his comic history, as an action figure, he is to be rivaled with Hulk and this version of Abomination from Toybiz creation does have some good sized up before the arrival of the Marvel Select version.

However, he is one of the Marvel Legends figures which I always wanted to get due to its good size and great sculpt. Every action figure has it's appeal, it's just how you look at it.

The only set back which most reviews have concerns his turtle like feet and you can even double him up with the TMNT guys and pack it as a new story clash.

In terms of articulation and size, I really have no concerns and not to disregard his detail head sculpt.

Another big fellow joins the team.